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Events are Problem-Solving Ideas, See How To Unbundle Them

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Everything begins with an idea

Truly ideas rule the world; from the invention of the fastest train in the world, the tallest building in the world to the unimaginable medical breakthroughs, they all began with imagination. This assertion holds true to the fact that everything begins with an idea.

Equally, events are not just products of an illusion; it is born out of the need to solve a problem. In addition, it follows critical reasoning that events evolve from a deep consideration of variables before a decision to organize an event is reached.

Interestingly, Dr Myles Munroe exposed a fundamental factor about ideas in one of his resources, he expressed that when ideas are birthed they move from a concept stage to the precept stage and eventually become a vision; a well-calculated visualization of the future. The visions become the running mandate for the events being organized; it determines what should go in and what should come out. In other words without the vision, just anything goes and there will be no discipline.

With this being said, unbundling your idea is simply Interpreting and selling your vision to a certain group of audiences by breaking down the knowledge transfer process into simple parts or stages in order to measure results effectively. It is also to be able to carry your audiences, and customers along without them losing out on details.

Unbundling your event ideas automatically shapes the event concept which is explained by “as the event details and elements that make up the practical aspects of the events itself”. In other words, the effective communication of your intent to the audience depends on choosing the right elements; such that will aid in interpreting your ideas without any form of ambiguity.

For instance, what are the activities sequences that will take place during the events, and what are the tools that will be used at each instance? All these must be able to communicate in very clear terms what you are trying to sell.

Unbundling your event idea cannot be done without also considering your audiences. As a matter of fact, your audiences are a major part of the puzzle. Recall that we had discussed in our previous issues, that there are 3 major Ps in event management; they are the place, the purpose and the people which are also the audiences.

In essence, the whole idea of unbundling your event idea is a compatibility drive; it is to ensure that you are on the same page as your audiences. They are able to understand you, your ideas and or vision so that they will in turn become your ambassador. They will return to where they have come from and tell others about you.

Another great advantage of unbundling your event idea is to see what works for you in relation to the resources you have. Not all ideas work well, if certain resources are not available, most especially the skill set needed to facilitate the idea.  This is the reason why you may need to source the right people with the right skill set, to help you reach your goal and accomplish the vision of your event enterprise.